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HMB Student Group: Case Study Support

HMB Student Group: Case Study Support

$ 249.00 $ 1,200.00

This is a beta group for HMB students who want my support with HTMA client case studies.

To show you how to confidently create protocols/game plans for your clients so you can save time and gain mastery, without all the overwhelm.

You’ll learn how to break through any confusion you may have around what to prioritize so you don't overwhelm your clients.

What the group support includes:

→ 6 weeks of a private FB group for HMB students only, to share 2 case studies per week (or up to 12 total over the 6 weeks) with my feedback. $1200 value
→ 1 Bonus Q&A (August 1 @Noon EST): coaching you on how to prioritize protocols with confidence and tune into your practitioner intuition. $200 value
→ 1 : 30 minute Bonus call with me.  $100 value

The summer support group officially starts July 8th and goes through the August 16th.

There are only 15 spots available.

Bonus call must be booked within 21 days after group support is over.

FYI: I have never offered this much support in a group setting for case studies before now... the only other way you can get case study support with me is to hire me 1:1 or wait until the next VIP group starts in Jan. 2020.

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