Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis Consultation
Gain an in depth picture into your overall health with this simple non-invasive test that very few other tests can offer.
How An HTMA program change change your life
- Better energy throughout the day
- Better ability to handle stress
- Better focus and clarity (less brain fog)
- Healthier hair and nail growth (and thickness)
- Reduce anxiety & fear
- Increase or improve your libido
- Reduce or improve PMS symptoms/ Better Monthly Cycles
- and SO much more!
This offer is available for new 1st time clients, or long term clients doing retests and may only be used twice per year. Your consult must be scheduled within 60 days of purchase, which means you will need to submit your sample the lab within 4-5 weeks of purchase to ensure obtaining a session in time. It does include the cost of the lab fee as well.
Watch my 30 Minute Video to see what an HTMA can show you!
Inside Scoop on the Magic of Mineral Analysis >>> https://youtu.be/kw9pPGSb9Mc
A hair tissue mineral analysis is a screening test that uses hair as a tissue mineral biopsy. This method of testing has been used for at least 100 years worldwide to screen for the level of 20 minerals and toxic metals in a sample of hair.
It is a non-invasive relatively inexpensive method of testing and is very accurate. Hair mineral analysis testing is an excellent method for assessing, monitoring and guiding the correction and improvement of one’s body chemistry.
Hair provides a window into the entire inner workings of the body, giving us accurate insights into how to balance one's health through a nutritional protocol. Hair is an excellent way to see imbalances in metabolic health bring correction to them before deeper health pathology sets in.
Why hair instead of blood (what's the difference)?
Hair tests are more accurate indicators of an individual's overall metabolic health and biochemistry than a blood test.
One example would be a blood test of calcium could be 'normal' or show ’adequate' levels of calcium. However, this does not mean the calcium metabolism is good.
Blood works hard to stay stable at all times and can do so at the expense of tissue and bone. This is quite true for calcium.
If you have adequate blood levels of calcium it could be that your body is pulling calcium from bone or teeth to keep the blood pH stable.
Therefore, a blood test can miss that there is an issue in the body worth looking at currently vs. later when it's far more difficult to correct or dis-ease has already set in.
Another example - is lead. After lead exposure or ingestion the levels in theblood will stay high for about 34 days then it will be removed from blood (unless the ingestion has been longer term or repeated daily) and get stored in tissues which will show up on a hair test and not a blood test.
Hair is more stable than blood - blood can change in seconds or minutes depending on the situation. Short term variations like one meal high in sugar or a current stress won't change your mineral pattern - it takes weeks to do that.
So hair testing is more indicative of longer term patterns and can show about 3 months of one's biochemistry from the time the hair grew to when it was cut for lab submittal.
Blood tests indeed do have value - however, your annual blood work at the doctor likely won't detect deeper patterns.
Hair tests can reveal far more information, not for the purpose of diagnosis but for prevention of deeper seated issues and correction of longer term health patterns. I much prefer to use both in tandem for a fuller picture into the health of an individual.
How It Works:
- After ordering your hair analysis kit, you will be sent information on how to collect your hair sample and then send directly to the lab. You will be sent forms to fill out online (disclaimer/client questionnaire ). You will be added to your online mini course and can expect to receive as they are made available. The mini course is to help support you beyond your session, teaching you many of the important steps you can take to support your health.
- You can expect to receive your results 1 to 2 weeks after the lab receives your sample. Once I receive the lab results, I will be in touch to schedule a consult to review your lab results.
- Consult results include a dietary game plan, supplement, and lifestyle recommendations. Once you receive your results, you will have 2 weeks of email support in case of any questions that may arise as you implement your new protocol.
- You are also welcome to sign up for additional support after your session as this one time consult option is best for people who do not need outer accountability or just want to check out the process before taking it further. Most clients need more than 1 session to help them work through the program efficiently, for accountability to support habit change, overcome obstacles and answer questions.
What clients have said about after implementing their HTMA plan:
"Lydia was willing to challenge any issue that appeared for me and she did it well. Since meeting Lydia online in June 2014 and starting to work with her, I have done nothing but positively progress toward my goal of optimum health. I have learned more than I think I even realize at this point and I continue to learn daily it seems. I am eliminating the unhealthy learning and toxic buildup from the past mistakes and replacing with effective strategies for improving and maintaining my own health. I take no prescribed medications and no over the counter drugs at this point in life and I am thrilled about that! I'm in the midst of balancing my mineral ratios through a short-term supplement protocol in response to the HTMA (Hair Analysis).
I feel healthier and stronger every day and I am now able to exercise again but do it to benefit my body not punish it as I had in the past. I am hopeful again and looking forward to life with my family for some time to come. THANK YOU, LYDIA! I highly recommend Lydia's thorough education and sensitive coaching to anyone who wants to start a journey to wellness." ~ Heather
"I wish I had taken the hair test at the very start of my healing journey. I think it would have saved me time and money with other tests that did not end up giving me much insight into my chronic illness.
The results of the hair test were pretty fascinating and backed up some of my own suspicions. I started on the supplement protocol and within just a few days, I was already feeling better. I had more energy, more motivation, and more focus. I do have some days where I feel unfocused and tired, but I am taking that as a sign that my body is healing. Overall, I've felt better.
One major thing that I did notice was that my first period after starting the supplement program was not nearly as bad as they have been in the past. I think these minerals are playing a role in that. I had less aches and less cramps than normal. I am looking forward to seeing if my cycles become less painful as we move forward with the mineral supplementation.
While there are a number of qualified practitioners out there offering HTMA services. The only person I have ever used is Lydia, which is why I am recommending her. She and I hit it off years ago and have remained friends and colleagues ever since. She’s my #1 cheerleader when it comes to health and she has helped me in more ways than I can count, both physically and mentally." ~ Jessica
"My entire family of 5 had their hair tested and results showed we were all super high with copper. I now recognize many of our symptoms are a direct connection to copper toxicity.
Through the dietary game plan, I've noticed that my spare tire around my middle is deflating! I don't crave sugar! I'm surprised that I don't feel hungry much of the day. I feel full and satisfied after meals and drinking liquids in between meals has stopped the snacking. I made kale chips for the first time and realized they were quite yummy. I even learned to try other new foods that I never would have before and found they give my body energy.
The encouragement that Lydia continually gives me during our consults to take it one day at a time and slowly is something I tend to forget so I need to remind myself daily especially when dealing with the "symptoms" my family displays. I'm thankful we all did the tests so we can move forward. I'm thankful that we are on this path." ~ Nancy
"I am so happy I decided to do the HTMA with Lydia! It really helped narrow in on specific deficiencies and issues. The test also confirmed that while I have Hashimoto's, there were others things going on that needed to be addressed.
Within a week I could feel a difference in my anxiety and energy levels. I can't wait to see how I feel with a few months of new supplements under my belt!" ~ Jess
"After years of testing, I had gotten a glimpse of the issues that were ailing me. However, one of my big hindrances was that I suffered from chronic fatigue, lack of clarity and memory loss. So whenever I would go to my Naturopath, he would explain what my issues may be, but I would always have a hard time relaying that information to my fiance, friends, and family because the reports didn't make any sense and my mental clarity was failing me. Through one-on-one support with Lydia and my latest and greatest move, the hair analysis, I was able to see all of my potential ailments in one report. It was also broken into somewhat 'Layman's terms' and, through assistance with Lydia, I better came to understand the report.
The report and Lydia gave me a clear picture of what I needed to do over the next months to begin getting to a healthier place. The best part about it though was that I could forward this report to my fiance and loved ones, so they too could have an all-encompassing clearer picture of where I resided with my health. I'm now halfway through with my protocol after receiving my results and I'm happy with the progress my body is making. I've been taking the test for my health for years and I can say definitively that I would recommend anyone looking to improve their quality of life to take this test first!" ~ Janet
"I am so, so grateful for the work Lydia and I have done together. When I first reached out to her, I had just come out of life-threatening autoimmune flare-up that had destroyed my digestive system. Her recommendations for diet change and supplements were spot-on...within a few days of an elimination diet, I felt a THOUSAND time better. And it kept getting better from there.
I was absolutely shocked to find that there were so many things I had been eating that were causing massive issues, gluten chief among them. Lydia was so great at helping me navigate totally new waters - I felt like I had to learn an entirely new culinary language, and she supported me with her wonderful depth of knowledge along the way.
My body has changed dramatically - I can't even begin to count the number of people who have said to me, "You look so much healthier!" since I have been working with Lydia. In fact, I am eating breakfast as I write this, and just looking at my plate tells me how far I have come...I used to eat a bagel and cereal every morning. This morning, my plate is filled with a beet and sweet potato hash, eggs cooked in ghee, and homemade turkey sausage. I no longer have blood sugar swings, my skin looks better, I have a ton of energy, and I am very close to my target weight. I am so grateful!" ~ Amy
Read more client testimonials: HERE, HERE and HERE.
Frequently asked questions:
“How much hair is needed for hair analysis?”
Only about a tablespoon of hair growth is needed for hair analysis, an amount that can easily be collected from the crown and/or nape area of your scalp without being obvious. A scale is provided in the test kit to ensure the correct amount in collected. The newest hair growth (1-1.5 inches) is needed to show what is going on in your body most recently, as hair cut from the ends would show what was happening in your body several years ago depending on hair length.
“What if I color, bleach or perm my hair, can I still do hair analysis?”
Yes you can. Since perms, dye, bleach, or chemicals can contaminate your results, it is best to collect new the new virgin growth between hair colorings for the most accurate results. IE. if you get your hair done every 6 weeks, collect the new growth from closest to the root right before you get your next coloring. OR you a sample will still be effective if you wash your hair 8-10 times after the treatment before taking a sample.
“How does the process work?”
Within a week of your purchase, you’ll receive your test kit in the mail and detailed instructions on how to prepare your hair as well as how to gather the sample. Then your submit your hair sample to the lab. The results are typically ready for me within 1-2 weeks, so we can schedule a call to go over your results at that time. After our call together, I send over a customized mineral balancing plan for you to put into practice right away.
“Can I use hair from another part of my body?”
Yes- but the results are not as accurate so it is not recommended. Do not send hair into the lab from any place other than the scalp without clearing it with me first!
*Note: For those who live in the U.S. only. Special instructions included for clients who live in the state of NY.
Have any further questions? Just reach out to me via email:
( lydiajoyme@gmail.com ) and let me know.