Ancient Nutrition Women's Vitality
Consuming glandulars and taking glandular products is not new; historically, people have consumed the glands and various other parts of animals, such as the liver, kidneys and heart, for nourishment and overall health purposes. Often referred to as “Nature’s multivitamin/mineral,” organ meats are nutrient-filled—packed with iron, protein, vitamin A, B12 and folate, and many other important nutrients.
• Bovine Liver, Bovine Heart, Bovine Kidney, Bovine Adrenal, Bovine Pancreas, Ovine Liver, Ovine Heart, Ovine Kidney• Bacillus coagulans
• Promote overall health and wellbeing• Supports liver, heart, kidney, adrenal, pancreas, thyroid, uterine, and ovarian health
• Supports women’s reproductive health
• Supports women’s health
• Supports immune system health*
• Reduces occasional constipation, gas and bloating*
• Relieves symptoms of flatulence, abdominal distension and discomfort*